Thursday, September 25, 2008

a DAY aT the BEach..

We decided to take the kids to the beach because Brecken hadn't been to one yet!! It was fun.. I think Brecken enjoyed it, I'm not real sure :P

Here is Dom playing on the playground!! He had a BLAST!

UH-OH... Dom found the birdies!!!

Ok... so Maybe the beach wasn't that much fun for Brecken :(

Here is Dom's sand angel that Daddy made me take a pic of!! Figure it out if you can.. I still haven't really been able to!

Dom... still enjoying the birdies... chasing them that is!

It was a fun day.. well while we were there!! When we decided to leave Dominic was a little unhappy... if you call kicking and screaming unhappy!! :)


Anonymous said...

LOL....sounds like you guys had a great time! If you look at the pic of Dom's angel SIDEWAYS , you can see it.....tilt your head;)How lucky you are to see those smiling faces everyday! :) xoxoxoxo

Kristie said...

They are so cute! I miss them!
Thanks for sharing!