Tuesday, January 27, 2009

bREckeN taLKing A litTTLe bIT!

Brecken has a very limited vocabulary.. but he can say SOME things :)

Here is another clip of some more of Brecken's words!!


Anonymous said...

How come when I click on it, it says this is private? and I can't view it? PLEASE HELP! I want to see them !!!! ;)

Kristie said...


I would have titled this post -
"It's OK, you said ma-ma"

Anonymous said...

TOO darn cute!!!!! Probably a little easier with out a mouth full of food!;) after all he is ANDY's SON....food's more important than learning how to talk ! ;) LOVE you all!!!!! (Sure was great to hear him saying all these things in PERSON !! ;))