Thursday, December 2, 2010

PaReNtiNg aN auTisTiC cHiLd

I was looking over some comments on the 'Autism Speaks' facebook page because they had asked the question "What does Autism Mean to You". I found one response that brought me to tears and explained 'to a T' how I feel. I wanted a place to write it down so I could always look back on it. Then I fiured I would share it as well :)
"It means having to be a better parent and a better person than I would have been otherwise. It means noticing everything, questioning everything, trying to decipher, to read the signs and figure out what life is like for my wonderful little boy who can't tell me yet. It means sleepless nights, a lot of anxiety (about the present, about the future) and inexpressible joy and celebration for every success however incremental. It's the best of times and the worst of times at the same time, all the time". ~ Jen Turell