Wednesday, August 10, 2011

lOve sToRY

What does love look like
Love looks like a girl in Geometry class chewing the tip of her pen, not even realizing that the boy who has a crush on her is chewing his too with the hope that she will turn around, notice him, and think it is fate ...

Love looks like a boy going to every one of a girls soccer practices pretending it was a coincidence that he was at that particular place at that particular time ...

Love looks like a boy turning the radio down in the car and wiping his nervous, sweaty hands on his pants in preparation of asking out the girl he likes ... and love looks like a girl saying "no" and waiting, then laughing while saying "yes" to ease the boy's nerves ...

Love looks like a girl walking through high school with a 4 foot long teddy bear, a giant balloon, and a card that is half the size of her for Valentine's Day ...

Love looks like a boy and a girl alone in a room while everyone else is off making music and lyrics on a family ski trip ...

Love looks like a break-up, getting back together, another break-up, followed by getting back together. Knowing at age 15 that regardless of struggles, differences, and other's opinions, that this IS the 'real thing' ...

Love looks like a proposal in the laundry room of a girl's parents house. A boy giving a girl all he had at that moment in time - himself ...

Love looks like a boy and a girl buying a house together and with little means, making that house a home ...

Love looks like a boy whispering the words of Edwin McCain's "I'll Be" to a girl in front of all their guests at a wedding they have both anticipated for so long ...

Love looks like a husband and a wife choosing to start a family ... and although it wasn't the start they both hoped for, love looks like a husband never leaving his wife's side as she is losing their first child in a hospital bed ...

Love looks like a husband and a wife seeking God for answers and trusting that he has a plan for them, a plan in his timing, not theirs ...

Love looks like a husband and a wife welcoming their first, second, third, and fourth child into their family with unconditional love ...

Love looks like a husband and wife saying good-bye on October 29, 2008, the Great Lakes Naval base, Lake Geneva, trips home to Michigan, a fifth wheel trailer, and December 22nd 2009 when it was all over ...

Love looks like a husband and a wife's loving, free-spirited little boy, not a diagnosis ...

Love is a husband and wife who have triumphed, conquered, and relied on each other when others would have given up ...

To me, love has always been and will always be "us".


Kristie said...

so happy that my brother found True Love, just like me! :)
Love your post, great writing!!! ;)

Cindy said...

You amaze me.